On HK - 2010.09.08 - Jess


Officials with the international forces of in Afgainstain Afghanistan say insergent insurgents launched the attacks early Saturday against coalition outposts in Khost province.


 ISAF spokesman James Judge gave details to VOA: "At approximately 4 a.m., an unknown number of insurgents wearing U.S. military uniforms simultaneously launched attacks against Forward Operating Base Salerno and Forward Operation Base Chapman with indirect fire, rocket-propelled grenades and small-arms fire."


A Taliban spokesman said the millitain militant group attacked with about 30 fighters, including suicide bombers.





Khost 霍斯特

Forward Operating Base Salerno FOB Salerno (also known as Firebase Salerno)前方作戰基地薩勒諾

Forward Operation Base Chapman 前沿作戰基地查普曼




1. Insurgent  起義者;叛亂者;造反  n.

 - a person fighting against the government or armed forces of their own country rebel

2. Colition(兩黨或多黨)聯合政府  n.

-      a government formed by two or more political parties working together

3. Outpost  前哨(基地)n.

-      a small military camp away from the main army, used for watching an enemy's movements, etc.

4. Province

5. Spokesman 發言人

6. rocket-propelled 火箭助推;火箭彈

7. grenade  手榴彈

8. Military  軍隊的

9. Militant 好戰的

-      using, or willing to use, force or strong pressure to achieve your aims, especially to achieve social or political change

10. suicide


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